Voice - 25th anniversary - 1997 - 2022

We Are Celebrating Our 25th Anniversary

25 years ago, our environmental charity embarked on its journey to being one of the leading advocates for Ireland’s environment...

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VOICE Calls for Action as Government Scores B- on Environmental Goals

With big plans on paper but slow implementation, the coalition's B- grade reveals the need for decisive action on climate commitments

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Together we are driving Ireland's Circular Economy forward

Voice of Irish Concern for the Environment, empowering positive action for the conservation of our natural resources.

VOICE is a member-based Irish environmental charity (CHY 13196 and CRA 20040437) that empowers individuals and local communities to take positive action to conserve our natural resources.

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VOICE Calls for Action as Government Scores B- on Environmental Goals
August 29, 2024

VOICE Calls for Action as Government Scores B- on Environmental Goals

With big plans on paper but slow implementation, the coalition's B- grade reveals the need for decisive action on climate commitments

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Waste Not, Want Not
July 25, 2024

Waste Not, Want Not

Transforming Clonakilty's Food Waste Culture

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Picker Pals Power!!

Picker Pals Power!!

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West Cork Venues Say Yes To Green Weddings!
July 3, 2024

West Cork Venues Say Yes To Green Weddings!

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Apply DRS Lessons to Ensure Smooth Rollout of Disposable Cup Levy
June 27, 2024

Apply DRS Lessons to Ensure Smooth Rollout of Disposable Cup Levy

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Empowering Communities Towards a Circular Economy
June 4, 2024

Empowering Communities Towards a Circular Economy

VOICE's Mentorship Initiative with Community Foundation Ireland

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