VOICE of Irish Concern for the Environment

VOICE is a member-based Irish environmental charity that empowers individuals and local communities to take positive action to conserve our natural resources. VOICE is the NGO expert in Ireland on waste reduction and circular economy. As thought leaders in this space, we lead the way and set a high ambition for Ireland’s circular economy, and push for effective national and local policy development and adoption. VOICE works directly with our partners in Europe on joint and shared initiatives, particularly in the development and advocacy of EU policy. We want Ireland to lead the way, demonstrating the benefits of adopting a truly circular economy.


VOICE is working to bring about a world where resources are used wisely and continually— a fully circular economy. This will only be achieved through the inclusion of all communities and the principles of a just transition.

Mission Statement:

Reduce waste and transition to a circular economy for a sustainable future. VOICE works with all stakeholders to bring about change, through awareness raising, training, and campaigning / advocating for more sustainable practices.


VOICE strives to achieve this mission by:

• Engaging with individuals, communities, businesses and organisations, and Informing the public on environmental policy/issues.

• Empowering individuals and local communities to become environmentally active to protect Ireland’s resources.

• Advocating on behalf of our members to influence policy and practice with government and other stakeholders.


🌿 We are pushing for clearer regulations, asking for transparency and traceability in the post-consumer textile sector through our Threads of Transparency Campaign. This campaign is currently making an online platform, envisioned as a fashion-centric library. On it, you will be able to find all sorts of information related to fashion – its impacts, challenges, but also solutions.

🌿 After twenty years of successful lobbying, Ireland now has a national Deposit Return System (DRS). Our Return for Change Campaign was crucial in raising awareness among the population concerning the DRS. In two years, our campaign reached 1 out of 3 citizens, and a remarkable 84% of people see a DRS as a beneficial environmental measure.

🌿 VOICE founded and supported the successful Conscious Cup Campaign, which delivered on its goal to have almost every café in Ireland accepting reusable cups. This campaign laid the foundations for a cultural shift away from single-use packaging and towards reusables.

🌿 After many years of campaigning, Ireland banned 12 of the most polluting plastic items, in the Single-Use Plastic Directive in July 2021.

🌿 Exposing how retail giants across Europe are promoting false solutions to the plastic crisis, through our "Under Wraps? What Europe's Supermarkets Aren't Telling Us AboutPlastic" report, facilitated by our Sick of Plastic Campaign.

🌿 Bringing the National Geographic's Planet or Plastic? exhibition on a tour around Ireland. Starting in Belfast in October in 2021 and ending in Dublin in 2022. In the run-up to COP26, our Sick of Plastic Campaign teamed up with their principal partner SSE Airtricity, to bring this important exhibition to Ireland.

🌿 Hosting 'Feeding the 5000' in Dublin '12 and numerous 'Food Rescue' events with communities across Ireland since.

🌿 Establishing Ireland’s first 'Towards Zero Waste' community in Cashel, Co. Tipperary, in 2017.

🌿 Launching a Recycling Ambassador Programme in 2017 to help improve Ireland's recycling rates.

🌿 Introducing the plastic bag tax in Ireland which was adopted as a national policy in 2001.

VOICE is an active member of the European Environmental Bureau (EEB), Break Free From Plastic, SWAN, Stop Climate Chaos the Irish Environmental Network and the Environmental Pillar.


You can find all about VOICEs activities in detail for a given year through our Annual Reports below.


VOICE is compliant with the governance code and our governance handbook is available to view in our office.

The VOICE board has adopted a resolution to adopt the Statement of Guiding Principles for Fundraising and confirms that VOICE is committed to complying with the Statement (see:  Board Resolution Fundraising Statement).

We are in the process of developing fundraising policies and will adhere to the highest fundraising standards.

To illustrate our commitment to transparency, we are making available our VOICE Constitution.

Our board members are; Ruth McGrath - Chair, Gary Clare, Ken Kilbride, Brendan Keane, Catriona Kennedy and Macken McNicholas.

VOICE patrons include Darina Allen, Christy Moore and John Feehan.


VOICE is funded through a variety of sources, including the Department of Communications, Climate Action and the Environment, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Irish Environmental Network (IEN), Membership fees, Local Authorities through Local Authority 21 (LA21) grants, donations and provision of services to companies.

VOICE is a registered charity : CHY 13196 and CRA 20040437.

We are a Company Limited by Guarantee, CRO275127.

Annual Reports

Accounts Signed 2023
Annual Report 2023
Accounts Signed 2022
Annual Report 2022
Accounts Signed 2021
Annual Report 2021
Annual Report 2020
Accounts Signed 2020
Press Coverage Report 2019
Accounts Signed 2019
Annual Report 2019
Accounts Signed 2018
Annual Report 2018
Accounts Signed 2017
Annual Report 2017
Annual Report 2016
Annual Report 2015
Annual Report 2014
VOICE Constitution 1997