'Public Waste; Out of Sight, Out of Mind' Litter and Public Waste Report
Public Waste Report
Following 10 months of investigation into how our local authorities are managing Ireland’s public waste and tackling litter, and a review of litter enforcement efforts, VOICE has establish that proper data is seriously limited and litter enforcement is ineffective.
Additionally, standards and methodologies in all sectors of public waste management vary widely across the whole country. The study focused on collating all of the data available from all of the Irish local authorities for the last 5 years in the area of litter management and enforcement efforts, coupled with street bin and street cleaning costs and waste types.
The report has featured on the Irish Times, who have created the following inforgraphic from the data provided by VOICE;

Mindy O’Brien, Coordinator of VOICE, stated: ‘This 10-month study has illustrated that we need a a properly informed debate on the real cost, both financial and environmental, of litter, street cleaning and street bin management and must find methods that actually deter litter louts. Current enforcement systems are not working and are not cost effective; many litter fines are ignored and the ones that are pursued in court are done at a significant financial loss to the local authority."