Your support of VOICE Ireland will make a world of difference. For nearly twenty five years we have been campaigning for proactive actions to reduce food waste and single use plastics and advocate for sustainable consumption.
We work with government, business, experts and change makers. We believe in building bridges not throwing bombs. We VOICE your concern to the Irish government to legislate and make working policies that protect our environment and solve our waste issues.
- We pressured the Irish government to bring in the plastic bag levy in 2002.
- We were the founders of SWAN (Ireland’s sustainable water network).
- VOICE is a steering committee member of the Environmental Pillar.
- We sit and advise on the Government's Waste Advisory Group.
- We sit and advise on the Government’ ‘Deposit Return System’ Working Group.
- We work with our International partners Break Free From Plastic and our European partners Zero Waste Europe.
- Our campaigns are making a real difference in Ireland when it comes to highlighting, educating and influencing policy makers and individuals on Ireland’s top waste issues.
- We research and publish studies on Ireland’s waste issues.
- We deliver workshops all around Ireland, helping people to have a better understanding of our recycling and waste infrastructure.
We accept donations graciously and operate independently. To all of our partners, members and individuals who keep us going, Thank you.
VOICE is an active member of the European Environmental Bureau (EEB), Break Free From Plastic, SWAN, Stop Climate Chaos the Irish Environmental Network and the Environmental Pillar.
Our Partners