VOICE was the lead organiser of 'Feeding the 5,000 Dublin' in 2012 along side EPA's Stop Food Waste, Food Glorious Food and Bia Foodbank. Following on the success of these events over in the UK, VOICE took the event here to Ireland to highlight the plight of food waste by demonstrating that a delicious meal could be created with food that would have been rejected by supermarkets.
On November 24th, 5,000 people gathered to share a meal on Dublin's Wolfe Tone Square and participated in various activities including food give-aways, cooking demonstrations and spoke to our team of volunteers about food waste prevention.

Our 20 volunteers from DIT's catering school chopped nearly 800 kg of vegetables and over 70 volunteers helped with the event. Tristram Stuart from 'Feeding the 5,000' and Dublin born Para from 'Food for All Kingscross' came over from the UK to join us as Dublin showed its support for efforts to reduce food waste.