Insomnia have joined the 'compostable coffee cup club' launching 'Mission Compostable' replacing all take away cups and straws with compostable alternatives across 150 stores in Ireland. Great to see they have made the effort to also introduce compost bins in all stores for disposal.
Let's hope these moves go hand in hand with increased composting facilities both in cafe's and in public places for 'on-the-go' consumers.
Compostable cups are only good for the environment when they are disposed of correctly, otherwise we are causing harm to the environment and wasting our resources. The Conscious Cup Campaign have created this info graphic to help the public understand why compostable cups are not the end solution and that we need to promote reuse first before any disposable item.
Like 1000's of cafe's to join the Conscious Cup Campaign, Insomnia are offering extra loyalty points to customers who use their own cups. Insomnia are also selling their own reusable cups and will give you your first coffee free when you use it. Choose to Reuse!