In ten days, we will celebrate the 42nd anniversary of Earth Day.The Earth Day Network was founded on the premise that all people, regardless of race, gender, income, or geography, have a moral right to a healthy, sustainable environment.More about earth day history.Let the count-down begin and what better way to celebrate Mother Earth than to take some personal actions...- DAY 1 : Use public transport – leave the car at home.- DAY 2 : Walk/bike to school/work – good exercise for all.- DAY 3 : Install water barrel at home . See "Survive a dry summer".- DAY 4 : Install water saving devices in toilet and shower. See water footprint.- DAY 5 : Recycle/compost your waste. See food matters. - DAY 6 : Install 10 CFLs to replace your old incandescent ones – uses 80% less electricity, last up to 10 times longer than ordinary light-bulbs, reduces CO2 emissions.- DAY 7 : Turn off electronics currently on standby (Electronics use ~ 40% of energy in standby), recycle old electronics. See “Send your Electronics Waste to a better place”.- DAY 8 : Turn down heat 1°C/wear jumpers – saves ~ €100 per year.- DAY 9 :Eat locally/seasonally.- DAY 10 : Eat what you buy/use leftovers – we throw away about 1/3 of the food we buy. See food matters. More actions on the Earth Day website. You can also sign the Global Energy petition.Other actions you can do.Join VOICE.
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