October is Irelands national Reuse month, a time for all of us to consider the things we throw away and ask is that a waste or is it a new project waiting to come to life?
This year because of COVID, the challenge has been to share those reuse hacks and stories in a socially distant and safe way. Textiles and fast fashion have become a serious issue this year and so we’ve teamed up with Patagonia to celebrate the clothes that are decidedly not disposable! We’re encouraging people to share the stories of the clothes they’ve carried with them over the years in our Textiles Tell Tales competition. Simply post a pic of your clothing item on Instagram with the story of your piece and tag @voiceireland and #wornwear.
Maybe it’s the boots that got you through a festival season, maybe it’s the cosy jumper that never fails to cheer you up, or perhaps it’s the lucky cap you never fail to have a great day in. Whatever it is share the story with us and we’ll pull out a winner at the end of the month.
And perhaps over ReUse month build the environmentally friendly habit of using a reusable mask rather than a disposable one (see the image below for sanitary safety). In the meatime at the bottom of the page you can find a short dicumentary on the impacts of Textile waste made by the good people in the European Environmnetal Bureau.