Sick Of Plastic are organising a nationwide day of action against excess supermarket plastic packaging.

On Saturday 21st April, the day before Earth Day, volunteers will come together outside local supermarkets across Ireland, encouraging shoppers to ‘shop and drop’ – leaving their unwanted plastic packaging behind at the checkout.


Since the campaign launched, supermarkets have already responded positively. Last week Lidl Ireland announced it will begin offering more loose produce thanks to customer’s demand for change.

We want to see all supermarkets in Ireland following suit to offer customers loose, unpackaged produce such as fruit, veg and baked goods where possible.

Soft plastic that is used to package the vast majority of supermarket goods is not recyclable, consumers have had enough of dealing with all of that waste. It’s time for supermarkets and producers to take action to reduce plastic.


If you would like to take part in the Sick Of Plastic day of action, please sign up here at this link.

For more info, contact or find them on Facebook.