The 10 most commonly found single-use plastic items represent 70% of all marine litter in the EU
In 2021 Ireland banned the following plastic items from being placed on the Irish market
We allowed twelve months for businesses to run down their stock, however enough is enough. We are STILL finding these items in cafés, petrol stations, shops and wholesalers.
We need your help to make a #PlasticfreeIreland
1. Keep an eye out for these banned plastics
2. Take a photo
3. Keep a record of where you saw them
4. Send an email with all the info to
Ireland has tried to tackle the worst polluting plastic items, but unfortunately, some retailers are attempting to 'rebrand' their single-use items as reusable.
This is in bad faith and is making a mockery of the single-use plastic directive.
There are alternatives for businesses to use, there is no excuse.
We are making a list. We will contact each business to ask them why they are breaking the law. If we do not get an adequate response we will hand this information over to the government.
TAKE ACTION - Take a photo and send it to us.
Help us to make a #PlasticfreeIreland