Last week, VOICE hosted a Sustainable Business Event to showcase ways in which people can bring sustainable practice to their workplace. Despite the rain, wind and traffic that morning, we had a great turn out of people eager to learn how to reduce waste and influence behaviour change. 

VOICE have been around for over 20 years, working to reduce waste and move Ireland towards a more circular economy. The past year has been one of our most active years and we are now attracting quite a lot of interest from businesses wishing to make their workplace more environmentally friendly.  

Our Recycling Ambassadors hosted many ‘lunch and learn’ recycling workshops for various companies, the Conscious Cup Campaign has proven to be equally as popular with many companies joining the ‘Conscious Club’. Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) staff were one of the first companies to kick start a staff led campaign to create change at work. 

Although the Recycling Ambassador Programme is coming to an end, we are eager to continue working with businesses and support them in building staff-led campaigns for lasting impact. 

If you work for a company that would benefit from reducing and better managing its waste and would like to learn how to run campaigns in your office to create lasting behaviour change both at work and at home, we can help!   

Join VOICE as a new corporate member and we will come into your office to map out a plan to reduce your waste footprint through better waste management plans and employee education.  

If you are interested in getting more information about our new corporate membership, please contact Mindy at